This page will be more relevant when you are encouraged to revisit it after the procedure. Details are repeated and over emphasized to help you feel totally assured that you clearly understand aftercare and are on track experiencing typical microblading healing issues.


What To Expect After your Microblading

After Your Microblading Appointment You Will Be Given an After Care Kit with Everything You Need. I Purchase the highest quality healing balms on the market, your kit will have all you need for both of your appointments.

After your Microblading Session

Absorb, (Day of treatment), It is Natural for Scabbing to form in your Newly Microbladed Brows, Although with the following approach, YOU May be able to Prevent It!

No one really wants to deal with “Yuck” Scabs in their New Brows….. So, immediately after your microblading procedure you will be told how to deal with lymph fluid. For the first two hours you should gently blot the area with a clean tissue to absorb the excess lymph fluid. Continue this for two hours and then begin doing the “damp finger rinse”.

The Damp Finger Rinse: Lightly wet clean fingers with a layer of water. Use your fingers to wipe over your brows, going in the direction of your hair growth, then use tissue to blot and dry brows to assure you better remove this fluid. This is “battle” between your ability to keep the fluid from drying to the outside of your brows, and the natural tendency for the fluid to dry to a scab. (Scabs may help remove patches of pigment) For these first two days you should make it a priority to keep the area clean and remove this fluid with lightly damp fingers while being careful to NOT OVER DAMPEN your New Strokes. Feel Victorious if you are able to prevent your bodies lymph fluid from forming hardened scabs!

After you feel that the lymph fluid situation is under control you will Clean the area the soap/water each morning and evening, Pat dry very well, and add a thin layer of balm for 7 to 10 days. YOU SHOULD NEVER ADD MORE THAN A RICE SIZE OF BALM TO EACH BROW, preferably 1.5 rice size amount for both CLEAN-DRY Brows. You will have plenty of product to last for your 2 after care treatments. Keep healing balm and pump soap for your touch-up aftercare, if lost between appointments you can purchase more for $7.00.

Microblading Aftercare Instructions in a “Nut Shell”:

Day 1 (Day of treatment): 2-3 hours after treatment, gently clean the area with a very small amount of sterile water clean fingers, just barely damp, NOT wet. Wipe gently in the direction of hair growth, do this 2 to 4 times today to avoid build-up of blood/lymph on the area. (Begin your first soap wash before bed.)

Day 2 & 3: Beginning the first night before bed you will start the “Twice a day Wash/Rinse/Dry/add Balm” ~ This is done every morning when you awake and before you go to bed. Continue this for 7 to 10 days..

The following must be avoided for 10 days post-microblading procedure:

• Allowing any water to touch the brows! No shower stream over brows. Wash face CAREFULLY with a washcloth or cleansing wipes, avoid brow area.

• Sweating

• Exercising

• Practicing sports

• Swimming

• Hot sauna, hot bath, or Jacuzzi

• Sun tanning or salon tanning

• Any laser or chemical treatments or peelings, and/or any creams containing Retin-A or Glycolic Acid on the face or neck

• Picking, peeling, or scratching of the brow area. You will cause scarring of the area or removal of the pigment if you pick or peel scabs prematurely.

• Performing tasks related to heavy household cleaning such as garage or basement cleaning where there is a lot of airborne debris – now is not the time!

• Drinking Plenty of water helps healed pigment results


The Following Instructions will Be added to your aftercare kit:

1.Gently Wash Morning and Night for 10 days. (Outside of shower: Use Clean Fingertips, Cool Water, Move in the Direction of Hair Growth, No Harsh Rubbing and gently rinse thoroughly.)

2. Apply a small “rice size” dab of healing balm 2 times a day for 10 days, LESS than a grain of rice size per brow. Add the balm to DRY clean brows, gently in direction of hair growth. (Use only once a day if oily skin and Never Add Balm To Damp Skin)

3. For 10 Days No Water on your healing brows!! The only water applied will be the instructed “Damp Finger Rinse”. Avoid Sweating!! No Long Hot Showers, No Saunas, Hot Tubs, Swimming Pools, Beach Days or Outside at the Lake for 10 days.

4. No Makeup or Lotion or Face Wash should touch your brows for next 2 Weeks! Keep your brows Clean. Lymph fluid can gently be rinsed and removed unless it has dried, once it dries you will have a scab that you should not remove!

5. I purchase the best microblading healing products the market and you will have plenty to last you for both appointments and longer. If you lose the product you’ll need to buy another at the touch up or use you can a very thin amount of coconut oil.  

Do Not

  • Do not apply makeup or lotion to the brow area for 10-14 days and when you do, please ensure your makeup brushes/pencils are sanitized.

  • No sun exposure, saunas, swimming, working out or hot tubs, heavy sweating for two weeks.

  • Do not get Botox injections until your brows are fully healed in 30 days.

  • Do not attempt to remove or pick at any scabbing, please allow the skin to heal itself as this can cause loss of pigment, unsatisfactory results and/or serious infection.

  • Do not touch or rub the healing pigmented area unless your hands are sterile and washed, as this can create an infection.

  • Do not pick, rub or scratch scabs! Avoid sleeping on face.

  • Do not use Products that contain anti aging glycolic, lactic, AHA and retinol acids will fade your pigment faster over time. This includes anything with chemical exfoliants such as Retinol, Glycolic Acid, Salicylic Acid, etc.


  • Keep brows dry (Outside of cleaning instructions: no shower water, sauna, hot tub, lake, ocean, AND sweat) until your brows are completely healed (Aka no scabbing or flaking left) Usually 7 to 10 days.

  • If you experience any swelling, blistering or puss, discontinue your aftercare product and contact a doctor. Additionally, if you experience any excessive redness, tenderness or red streaks from the brow, elevated temperature or drainage from the brow, consult a doctor as the area may be infected.

  • After your brows have fully healed, maintain pigment retention by using sunblock daily on brow area.

  • During the 7 days of healing, you will need to keep your brows dry in the shower. Drenched healing brows along with steamy hot showers will cause the pores to open and scabs soften, keeping your skin from retaining hair stroke pigment. Avoid the water ESPECIALLY shampoo and conditioner running down that’ll cause color discoloration. Baths are recommended.

    Tips on Showering (Days 1 through 10)

    You will want to avoid long, hot showers during the first 10 days after your procedure.

    1. Limit your showers to five minutes so you do not create too much steam.

    2. Keep your face out of the water while you wash your body.

    3. Then, at the end of your shower, wash your hair.

      Other Important Aftercare Tips

      In addition to following the AWM and showering protocol, keep these extra tips in mind to help with a smooth and easy recovery.

      • Use a fresh pillowcase

      • Let any scabbing or dry skin naturally exfoliate away

      • Do not rub, pick or scratch the treated area, as this can cause scarring or loss of color

      • Avoid topical makeup, including sunscreen, on the area

      • Avoid hot, sweaty exercise for one week

      • Avoid sleeping on your face for the first 10 days

      • Avoid swimming and hot tubs for the first 10 days

      • Do not have facials, botox, chemical treatments or microdermabrasion for four weeks

      • Avoid direct sun exposure or tanning for four weeks after your procedure; wear a hat when you’re outdoors

trust the process ~Note the Healing Process Chart Below:

Your new brows are essentially an open wound of individual paper cuts. For the first few days they will be darker and appear thicker than your healed results; your pigment is oxidizing and your strokes are tendered and a bit swollen. This accounts for the darker and thicker look— a few more days and this will be gone! Some clients experience flaking, scabbing and itchiness in the first two weeks, clean the back of your hand and lightly push against your brow to deal with the itching, (it will only last 24 hours or less). Once this phase has completed, it is common to experience what is called The Ghosting Stage which will be a period of time where the microblading hair strokes will seem to have disappeared. In most cases, the microblading reappears within a few days as your skin heals itself. After 30 days of healing it is common to have some spots where the pigment didn’t retain, at this point, you still have your follow-up appointment to reinforce strokes and fill in missing/faded pigment. Microblading is a two step process!

Within 12 hours after your appointment you will receive your TOUCH-UP APPOINTMENT email which has a link that will allow you to schedule your touch up appointment. This should be scheduled immediately, a date 6 to 8 weeks after your Initial Microblading. It’s up to you to schedule through the email that is sent to you. If you experience any trouble setting this up please contact me immediately. If you wait too long to set up or attend this complimentary appointment you may end up having to schedule under the 3 to 6 month Touch-Up appointment at a $100 charge. It is very important to set up this appointment in a 6 to 8 week time frame so that we are not working on brows that have lost too much color needing a more intense appointment.

Asheville Ayes Clients are encouraged to keep-up with their Microblading by setting up Annual Touch-Ups, When scheduled within 14 months of your Touch-Up Appointment this price is only $200.

Day BY Day ~ the several phases during the healing cycle:

Days 1-4: The pigment will appear very sharp and dark, your brow may appear to have a clear edge. This is because the pigment is reacting to your skin and in the oxidation phase; and your skin is pursed and tender due to the trauma of having new paper-cut strokes. The color of the pigment will soften gradually, by day 10 for sure!! Do not be alarmed if you see some pigment on the cotton swab, as this is excess pigment and/or body fluid that is naturally exiting your skin. Your brows may swell some and appear larger, but this will not last!

Days 5-7: Once the healing of the skin starts taking place it will look like dandruff flakes or dry skin. This might give you the impression that the pigment is fading too quickly, however, this is just dry skin being naturally removed from your new brows as new skin heals the area, making the entire brow more natural looking than ever.

Days 8-12: Your brows may look as though the pigment has completely faded – do not panic – take a deep breath and trust the process.

Days 14-28: Your brows may still look a little patchy or uneven, but the pigment will start to “reappear” as the pigment settles and the healing continues.

You may get your touch-up/perfecting procedure done at the 6-8 week point NO SOONER to allow for complete healing of the brows.

DO YOUR BROWS HAVE AN UNDESIRABLE RED TINT? IT’S OK, IT WON’T STAY!! Click below green tab to understand more.

See article explaining why your brows might be Red~ Click below link:

<--Brow Healing&

Lips After Care:

It takes around 5 to 10 days for the lips to heal after a lip blushing procedure. Be aware that the color will vary quite a lot during the healing process before reaching the final color, they will initially appear darker and swollen.


~ Initially lips will be dark and then fade within 3 days to a soft “sun-kissed, stained, natural lip blushed” look

~Swelling will go down within 24 hours, (Ice if needed)

~ Drink through a straw and avoid spicy foods for 72 hrs

~ Blot lips with damp cloth every few minutes for the first 2 hours after proceedure

~ Keep lips moist with ointment for 5 days or until healed

~ Avoid any makeup or lotions on lips until healed

~ Keep area sterile, keep your hands clean especially when touching your lips